Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Splash Lagoon Savings

Splash Lagoon has again released some good coupons, I personally think their regular prices are outrageous! However, it is local and fun and all indoors, if you are treating this like a "staycation: it's a good deal. One coupon that has been in the Sunday paper is for $14.95 per person (up to 6 people) but it's only valid on Thursdays their site has a good "Mommy and Me" coupon for Mondays.http://www.splashlagoon.com/coupons.html

If you don't get a paper Applebee's and other Scott Enterprise restaurants had ones available (that's where I got a lot of mine). of the $14.95 ones that are good for any age. One thing I will caution is that if you have never been there the food prices are VERY high don't go on am empty stomach and bring some bottled water or Capri Sun with you.

1 comment:

  1. Newest EBlast Offers: http://www.splashlagoon.com/extras/eblasts/eblast-4q10/offer.html
